It may not seem like a lot has be happening, but, there is an airplane taking shape in the garage. Over the holidays the kids came home from Alaska and Nebraska for visits. The oldest brought the son-in-law and our grand daughter.
Our younger daughter assisted me with some dimpling of the forward fuselage skins. I have drilled a lot of holes and I am needing to start deburing and dimpling for final assembly of the forward fuselage and tunnel. I would really like to get the plane on the gear this summer.
It was very cold out in the garage in late December and early January. Even the coffee got cold.
I do like my main squeeze I got from Cleveland Tool. It is very easy to setup and use. It smashes rivets in a very constant manner when set correctly.
One of the other things I have been working on is fine tuning. You know.....adjusting here and there.....tweaking.......just making things better as I debur and dimple.
I had to make a few hand made parts along the way. I also made a few shims to adjust for transitions from one frame member to another.
I used some structural epoxy, T-88, to glue them on. The T-88 is easy to use and cleans up with denatured alcohol while it is still wet.
I also got to help out Dan H. with his kit. Dan has helped me set a lot of rivets in the center section.
When I get the plane on the gear I should be able to give Dan my assembly fixture for his center section.
The timing should work out perfectly.
Here is a picture of my forward fuselage all Clecoed up. It has taken the last 8 weeks to disassemble, debur, dimple, reassemble, and disassemble over and over again to finish preparations for riveting. It is ready to be shot.
While I am waiting for Dan, I have started deburing and dimpling operations on the tunnel's belly skins and four of the bulkheads. I need to have these parts riveted together when the forward fuselage is done so as to continue construction of the epinage.
When complete I should be able to slide the tunnel onto the rear of the forward fuselage and align it. Once aligned I will be able to stretch the top tunnel skins over the bulkheads, build the tail feathers, add the landing gear, and voila.....plane is on the gear!