Here is a picture of the flap held together with Clecos just before deburing.
I found I needed some more tools for dimpling and riveting, so I ordered a hand squeezer kit from ATS. It works great. I only wish some of the tools I ordered came with instructions. It takes a little guess work at times to figure out how the tools work, but the light goes on at the moment of discovery. I also ordered some more Clecos and some self etching primer for the final assembly of the flap.
Here is a picture of the nose ribs, flap skin stiffeners, spar, & hinge debured, dimpled, & primed. All the inside pieces of the flap will be primed before it is closed up.
Here I am, using the hand squeezer tool to dimple the lower flap skin. It works well on the edges and reaches in about 3". The rivet holes that I can not reach will be a trick to get to. I may need some other dimpling tools to reach them. I should be ready to start final assembly next week.
I have to return to work tomorrow. :(
Thats all for now. BWW