The boredom really set in during November!

The waiting for the kit to arrive is making the time pass slowly. I had to work Thanksgiving and the associated weekend, so we had Thanksgiving the Tuesday before T-day.
I invited over my aviation buddy, Barry, for dinner and to help clean up afterwords.
Christine made a fine dinner!

After Thanksgiving Christine's dishwasher kind of started going south. We ordered up a new one. She has been upset with the old floor in the kitchen for sometime, so we went to look. I ended up repainting the kitchen in mid December to match the flooring we ordered.
It is an old 1950s vintage home. It needs and has been getting a lot of TLC through the years. The kitchen and new floor look great and Chris is happy. (That may buy me some more time in the garage if and when the kit arrives!)
The boredom was so great, Chris and I took a tour of Jelly Belly in Pleasant Prairie, Wi. Each season or Holiday, Jelly Belly changes it's decor. It's kind of fun to see what they have up next & to taste the different candies.
We completed the kitchen, the tour, and we went to the movies to see Unstoppable before the kids arrived.
Our oldest daughter drove up from Oklahoma with her husband. They are meteorologists and yes, they have chased tornados! Cynthia (red coat) graduated with a masters from Oklahoma University.
Matt, next to her, is working on his doctorate in meteorology. I'll have a doctor in the family, but he will not be able to do my surgery. (Matt is taller then he looks. He is standing below grade.)
Robin, far right, goes to University of Alaska in Fairbanks. It was 10 degrees F when we picked her up at the airport. She thought it was kind of warm. Robin is working on a masters in space physics.
Bob and Myrtle blew in on the wind to visit during the Christmas Holidays. They are the white snow people in the center. They have since melted away.
And that is Christine and I on the far left. I just can't wait for the kit to come so I can get to the challenge! (I'm the good looking guy with the pink Mustang II hat!)
I wish everyone a great New Year!
Bye for now, Brian W.