Dan H. is on the wood stool driving the rivet with the pneumatic gun. I'm in the lawn chair holding the bucking bar trying to make nice looking shop heads on the rivets.
Remember from the flap kit. You don't want to smash them too much and you don't want to smash them too little. They have to be just right for maximum strength.
Some of the rivets I was able to reach with my main squeeze. When ever you are using a squeezer you are just about guaranteed to have nice uniformed shop heads on the rivets.
Here is a shot of the left edge of the center section from the bottom side. These are AN426AD-3-3.5 rivets set with the squeezer.
All the writing is done with a sharpie. A so called permanent marker. They are not so permanent. Sharpie ink wipes off with denatured alcohol and a rag.
I started laying out the next phase of the assembly. The control tunnel and fuselage stringers.
Lots of parts to find, align, cut, drill, debur, & dimple. Sounds like fun!
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